Sabrina: Thanks for sharing your experience with Tom. It is indeed wonderful to hear from readers especially devoted ones like you. Bless you. Great idea, too. Loved this.
Thanks John! Writing is such a lonely art, so I imagine these authors appreciate hearing from their readers sometimes (though Tom was flooded with so many letters!). I am so glad I had the courage to reach out and his response was the greatest gift I’ve ever received 💌
I know this feeling of meeting your hero that you so eloquently shared here with us, as well as the heartbreak of losing them. David Lynch is my lodestar and his passing devastated me to my core. But our lives are indelibly changed by having had our paths cross with them, and those moments are untarnished by the passing of time. 💙
It’s such a particular but profound kind of love ❤️And I feel you for David Lynch. I was so shocked about his death. I don’t usually write many artist tributes but I did write one about him last month. 🕊️
Thank you for sharing not only this magical story but your wonderful writing! I love the suggestion of writing a note to our favorite author for Valentine's Day, what a beautiful idea.
Don Delillo is the living writer I most revere and I'll have to shore up my courage to tell him how much he opened my mind with his writing.
Thank you so much Laura! And I hope you muster the courage to write to Delillo. Even if he doesn't respond, it feels so good to make a love declaration to the authors who have impacted our life.
I remember in the first days of a relationship, I was told by my partner I need to read - no I MUST read - Jitterbug Perfume. I think it was less of a request or even a demand , more a test. I passed :)
I was also shocked the first time he was recommended to me - like, where had he been my whole life?! But better late than never. Luckily he's written so many books so you have a large collection to discover. I hope you enjoy his work!
Sabrina! This is wonderful reading! You have warmed my heart on this cold snowy Canadian Saturday! Love to you!Happy Valentines Day.
Thank you so much Enna! I love that words can warm hearts on cold snowy days! Much love to you.
What a tribute ❤️
It’s true love 😉💗
Sabrina: Thanks for sharing your experience with Tom. It is indeed wonderful to hear from readers especially devoted ones like you. Bless you. Great idea, too. Loved this.
So nice of you to share that story. Love you to check out my Substack. All kinds of stuff. Writers Music, sports Silly stuff (Taylor Swift today).
And it’s free! Haha
Thanks for sharing John! Look forward to checking it out.
Thanks John! Writing is such a lonely art, so I imagine these authors appreciate hearing from their readers sometimes (though Tom was flooded with so many letters!). I am so glad I had the courage to reach out and his response was the greatest gift I’ve ever received 💌
I know this feeling of meeting your hero that you so eloquently shared here with us, as well as the heartbreak of losing them. David Lynch is my lodestar and his passing devastated me to my core. But our lives are indelibly changed by having had our paths cross with them, and those moments are untarnished by the passing of time. 💙
It’s such a particular but profound kind of love ❤️And I feel you for David Lynch. I was so shocked about his death. I don’t usually write many artist tributes but I did write one about him last month. 🕊️
I loved what you wrote about David. I actually shared it on one of my social media pages as it resonated with me. Thank you for your tribute to him.
Dear Sabrina,
Thank you for sharing not only this magical story but your wonderful writing! I love the suggestion of writing a note to our favorite author for Valentine's Day, what a beautiful idea.
Don Delillo is the living writer I most revere and I'll have to shore up my courage to tell him how much he opened my mind with his writing.
With gratitude
Thank you so much Laura! And I hope you muster the courage to write to Delillo. Even if he doesn't respond, it feels so good to make a love declaration to the authors who have impacted our life.
What a treasure! Lucky you! LOVE the title of his books!
A true treasure! I value it so much. And YES: the title of his books truly reflect his whimsical nature ;)
I remember in the first days of a relationship, I was told by my partner I need to read - no I MUST read - Jitterbug Perfume. I think it was less of a request or even a demand , more a test. I passed :)
Wise partner advice! I hope you enjoyed it (worth reading his other ones too)!
I'm so surprised I never heard of him /was never recommended him because this seems like my cup of tea. Definitely going to check him out, thank you
I was also shocked the first time he was recommended to me - like, where had he been my whole life?! But better late than never. Luckily he's written so many books so you have a large collection to discover. I hope you enjoy his work!
Our reading list just keeps getting longer and longer!
Ooooo it's a good one to have on the list! Curious to know what you think of him -- it's quite a wild literary ride!