It’s been a rough couple of days, here in Los Angeles. I’m amongst the lucky ones who are safe and still have a home. But the devastation amongst the city is unfathomable and hard to put into words.
I had scheduled a live meditation for tomorrow, and I hesitated to cancel it. I wasn’t sure if our power would be restored by then. But luckily, we’re back on the grid. And I’ve decided that meditating together might actually be the salve we all need right now. It may seem superfluous to meditate when the world is burning around you. But I know that taking a moment to center myself, to feel my breath, and to be in community is actually one of the most helpful actions I can take.
As Eckhart Tolle once wrote:
“To meet everything and everyone through stillness instead of mental noise is the greatest gift you can offer the universe.”
Meditating helps us find a quiet center, increases our resilience, and helps us stay grounded and present in facing whatever life has in store. Doing it as a group multiplies those gifts by a thousand fold.
If you’d like to join, I’ll be guiding us on Zoom tomorrow at 7am PST. It’s free and open to everyone, no meditation experience required. You can register at the link below:
If you’re a paid subscriber, I’ve also created a library of audio recorded meditations, which are available HERE. You can find the password below.
If you think you’d benefit from this meditation library, but can’t afford a subscription at the moment, don’t hesitate to reach out and I’ll offer you free access. You can email me at
Sending much hope and strength to those who need it.
With Love,